5715: Praise the Dog

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Praise the Dog
Made by: WizardFox64

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The unusual player message system used by From Software limits messages to a set of words and phrases, leading to many interesting adaptations to communicate concepts that don't have a word for them, like in language translation. Among these adaptations, the word used for the turtles in Elden Ring was 'dog', as perhaps 'beast' was too harsh a word for such a docile creature. It's unknown if the playerbase's entrancement with turtles was caused by them being called 'dog', by the existence of the turtle pope, or because they're one of the few creatures that won't attack the player on sight.

Original strip: 2015-01-21.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield {walking, gesturing at a player message, with a face of disappointment}: Just look at that...
Player Message from Elden Ring: Dog Ahead
Garfield: How sad is it when some-wizened tarnished can't even spell a simple word like
Garfield {as if in a trance, eyes glazed}: Praise the Dog...
"Dog" (is a turtle from Elden Ring): {sitting on the ground}