74: Plush Garfield: Reproportioned Jon

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Plush Garfield: Reproportioned Jon
Made by: Andrew Bird, David Morgan-Mar

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the author's notes for #52, the author remarked on comic strip character proportions. For this strip, David, who plays Jon, has had his image manipulated to more or less match Jon's proportions. Below is a chat transcript between the two authors of this strip and Joe Mucchiello.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

jmucchiello: So what was harder, getting the size difference between a plush cat and yourself to line or spinning around like Jon does in the last panel? I imagine the last panel could have required multiple takes.

DMM: Yeah, I had to shoot multiple takes of each frame. And some of those poses were very uncomfortable and awkward. And compounding the problem is the fact that Jon isn't proportioned like a real human being.

AB: Indeed not. But, with just a little bit of work...

Original strip from 1990-02-09.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Garfield, there was a pan of lasagna here.
Jon: Where's the lasagna?
Garfield: Resting comfortably.
Jon: Where's the pan?
Garfield: Resting not so comfortably.