773: Centrefurld

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Made by: JLH

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Where the original strip has the centerfold in the last panel elongated to fit "Almira, the Amazon", this edit makes the centerfold normal size and replaces Almira with an image of Garfield stripped of his fur.

The author's comments allude to the lyrics of the J. Geils Band song "Centerfold".

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I bet Jon's blood runs cold. His memory has just been sold.

Original strips (pun intended): 1978-10-28, 2007-08-13.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Oh boy! My bachelor magazine.
Jon: I wonder who the centerfold is: Elke? Farrah?
{Jon frowns upon seeing centerfold is a fur-less Garfield}