88: Mezzacotta Garfield

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Mezzacotta Garfield
Made by: Colin Foster

Explanation[edit | edit source]

mezzacotta, aside from being the site that hosts Square Root of Minus Garfield, is also the name of an automatically-generated comic. The original mezzacotta strip, one in its Best Baked Hall of Fame (inducted a day after its original release), is a dialogue-free strip featuring Eliza, the snarky psychotherapist, becoming shocked and looking at the fourth wall. This strip edits a Garfield strip into a similar situation.

Lightning Made of Owls is another user-submitted comic on the mezzacotta site.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The next trick will be turning Jon and Garfield into Lightning Made of Owls characters.

Original mezzacotta strip: 2009-02-01.

Original strip: 2007-02-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield looking bored}
{Garfield looking shocked}
{Garfield looking shocked, eyes looking in a slightly different direction}

Later references[edit | edit source]