89: Garfield Minus More Garfield Than Ever

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Garfield Minus More Garfield Than Ever
Made by: qvaak

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the final panel of the Garfield Minus Garfield strip, presumably, Jon turned and spoke to an empty space where he imagined a cat named Garfield to be. This edit removes the imagined cat by having Jon not even bother to speak aloud.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is based on the 2006-11-10 strip, of which there was also a Garfield Minus Garfield strip, but, oh the woe, so long ago that I can't read it any more.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon surrounded by flies}
[SFX]: Sniff Sniff {Jon sniffs under his arm}
Jon: {thinking to himself} Laundry day.