Category:Film references
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Jump to navigationJump to searchSquare Root of Minus Garfield comics that reference films, be they theatrical, television, or streaming. For comics that utilize screencaps from films, see Category:Photo comics; for comics utilizing screencaps from Garfield-franchise films, see Category:Non-strip Garfield material.
Pages in category "Film references"
The following 169 pages are in this category, out of 169 total.
- 103: Garfield Divided by Cloverfield
- 111: Why So Serious?
- 114: Why So Serious? - Take 2
- 117: Why So Serious? - Take 3
- 167: Why So Serious? - Final Take
- 210: Garfieldarama
- 231: Garfield Minas Tirith
- 243: A Nightmare on Elm Street
- 280: Yoda Garfield
- 281: Breaking the 4th Wall
- 284: Cats of the Old Republic
- 322: The Cat Who Says "Ni!"
- 359: Noirfield
- 420: The Princess Garfield
- 490: Garfy Peyton's Frying Seacus
- 511: Garfield Plus 88 mph
- 513: Garfield (Rescued Chilean) Miners Garfield
- 539: Garfield Menus Garfield
- 625: Garfield Skynet Garfield: Judgment Day
- 724: Kill Liz
- 738: Jon and Lyman 5: Scary TV show
- 990: Garfield's Horror Heater
- 1078: Six-Fingered Man
- 1139: Sliding Doorsfield
- 1311: Don't make me kill you
- 1475: Happy Thoughts
- 1532: Misanthropic Garfield
- 1588: Lasagnas & Litterboxes
- 1595: Violence-Free Garfield
- 1655: Garfield Groundhog Day Garfield
- 1656: Really Misanthropic Garfield
- 1695: Mildly Obscure Reference Time!
- 2005: 27th Birthday Special: Supercat
- 2020: Fishing trip
- 2159: A Star's War
- 2169: Arbucklean Cat: Garfield Rocks
- 2208: Apocalypse Meow
- 2213: Garfield Plus an Absolutely Horrible Movie
- 2236: Million Dollar Cat
- 2284: Garfield Must Die(t)!
- 2309: Garfield's Intern
- 2323: Single Orange Cat
- 2333: He'll be smelting iron to pigs any minute now
- 2350: Indiana Mouse and the Repast Crusade
- 2412: Stupid-Looking Snowman
- 2527: I fed up with this worl
- 2538: Pure imagination
- 2575: Something Elsa Is Constantly Changing
- 2593: Garfield Plus Correct Hyphenation I
- 2596: John Garvoltafield
- 2630: Action Hero
- 2642: Consistency
- 2670: Action Hero 2.0
- 2680: Rilke's Panther
- 2685: Pinkfield Strikes Again
- 2707: Rebus
- 2763: Scarfield
- 2838: DVD Fun
- 2846: Spider's Pride
- 2878: Garfield: The Movie Scene
- 2879: Garfield As
- 2909: Starfield
- 2948: Biff-Field, or Garfield to the Future
- 2983: Idiot Box
- 3006: King Kong vs. Godzilla
- 3075: Dan DeGarflo
- 3102: Hakuna Lasagna
- 3105: Matrixfield
- 3110: Garfield Lioness Garfield
- 3141: No, They'll Never Stop Making Frozen Pudding Pops.
- 3147: Uninspired Comedy Sequel
- 3208: The Voices
- 3212: Emojifield: Jon's Birthday Gift
- 3218: The Cat Continuum
- 3247: But what about this week's Movie Night?
- 3293: As you wish
- 3307: In your dreams
- 3310: Catch-22 (Is Not The Film Being Referenced)
- 3443: Infinity Gauntfield
- 3492: Garfield Minus Copyright
- 3506: Meme Cam
- 3570: Director's Cut
- 3617: Deadites Require Lasagna
- 3658: Garfield Plus Another One of Disney's Live-Action Remakes
- 3664: MoonField
- 3693: Disney Owns Garfield
- 3718: Avenjons: Endgarf
- 3753: Jai Hodie
- 3780: The Disaster Arbuckle
- 3910: Enough is Enough, Take Two
- 3928: Jon-aquin Phoenix
- 3930: The Lost Kitty of Gold
- 3937: Number One With A
- 4037: Kill Liz: Vol. 2
- 4068: Uh, meow?
- 4091: My Name is Talking Tabby
- 4097: Life was beautiful then
- 4114: The Catrix
- 4119: Eat Lasagna and Kick Odie
- 4132: Scary Movie
- 4136: Who's At The Door?
- 4137: Whole Superheros against him
- 4140: Scrollfield
- 4169: Andrew Garfield
- 4181: Scary Movie - Roger Rabbit
- 4214: Goofield
- 4237: Milk and Cookies
- 4253: Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
- 4264: Alphabet of Jons
- 4277: Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
- 4364: Way Down in the Hole
- 4420: Carsfield
- 4455: "And Now..."
- 4463: Back to the Garfyard
- 4518: Garfield Plus Scrat
- 4533: Harpofield
- 4591: Obvious Crossover: Thanos
- 4646: Garfield & Friendship Games: Garfield's Lemon Zest
- 4733: Yodafield
- 4772: How Jon Cursing Ended Up as Background Art in Garfield Gets Real
- 4790: Lyman's Revenge
- 4836: Buckaroo Banzai!
- 4851: That Yarn Cat!
- 4865: Garfield's Punishment
- 4868: picture
- 4939: Tonight the role of Bob Chapek will be played by Jonathan Q. Arbuckle
- 4952: The Garfield Strip That Never Existed
- 4983: Andrew Garfield 5: J. K. Simmons Edition
- 4991: Hoo-ahfield
- 4994: Prattfield
- 5020: Garfield Over Pipe Times Chip & Dale
- 5050: Garfield's Hot Take, Pt. 1
- 5057: Uncool Cat
- 5071: Shrekfield
- 5072: Gapfield
- 5094: The Super Gario Movie
- 5100: Garfield's Hot Take, Pt. 2
- 5119: To the Pain
- 5129: Garfield Saves The Kids
- 5131: Garfield Numerosity 6
- 5247: Can We Scream A Little?
- 5278: An exquisite Halloween
- 5306: Garfield minus Garfield plus Tom and Jerry
- 5318: One flew over the lasagna's nest
- 5319: GF04F66.mp4
- 5335: A guilty pleasure of mine
- 5339: Garf Disney
- 5358: Garf Runner
- 5373: Thorfield Ragnorak
- 5381: Garfield Joins The Pawpsicle
- 5423: Mighty Kongfield
- 5426: An Even Uglier Fish
- 5444: Fry Makes a SRoMG Strip
- 5468: How Ol' Gnorm Met His Doom
- 5484: Service with Chris Pratt
- 5525: Sit Down, Jon
- 5547: Felix as Garfield
- 5559: Moonrise
- 5563: Once Upon a Lasagna
- 5596: Jon Dai
- 5602: Lazy Fortune Cookie Edit
- 5608: Pooky Saw a Bad Movie
- 5646: Classic Blunders
- 5653: Obvious Take That (Bayformers)
- 5731: The Pipe Strip but it's a crossover
- 5744: An actual happy ending
- 5745: The Real Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, I Think
- 5754: Special Direction