Category:Joke reversal
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Pages in category "Joke reversal"
The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.
- 25: Reversed Garfield
- 38: Garfield Rescue!
- 50: Reversed Garfield
- 70: Reversed Garfield - Variant
- 106: Jon
- 112: Barfield
- 169: The Bunny Slipper Diet
- 225: Jon - Why Jon Can't Go Grocery Shopping
- 253: Garfloraled, Part 1
- 256: It's an Old, Old World
- 258: Garfloraled, Part 2
- 309: Calm Break
- 314: Reversed Strip
- 408: Erasure
- 412: Evil Jon
- 1066: Wallfield
- 1067: Barfield, Sunday Edition
- 1312: Dumbfield Instead of Darkfield
- 1476: Simple Re-contextualization
- 1530: Silence Speaks Louder than Words
- 1706: Hug Day
- 1722: Jon's Worries Come To Pass
- 2190: Detente Flowers
- 2230: Grump Out!
- 2266: Public Service Announcement
- 2525: Bury My Garfield At Wounded Knee
- 2607: Garfield Plus Resignation To Fate
- 2619: Donut
- 2727: Prehistoric Garfasaurus
- 2808: Wonderful Wiping
- 3041: Ball Reversal
- 3233: Garfield hates ice cream
- 3391: Murder Show Cooking Mystery
- 3465: Fudgefield
- 3497: Jon the Mitey Hunter
- 3575: The Chamber Of Horrors
- 3870: Bad 2 Santa
- 4081: Garfield plus reversed mood
- 4479: Jon Plus Friends
- 5155: Invisible Doughnuts
- 5290: Wrong Jon Silver's