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Pages in category "Lubaf"
The following 186 pages are in this category, out of 186 total.
- 627: Garfield Minus Any Kind Of Artistic Talent
- 647: Garfield Plus High Art Minus Good Taste
- 732: Garfield Fortress 2
- 786: Transplanted Punchline Garfield
- 855: Transplanted Punchline Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel 1)
- 892: Transplanted Sight Gag Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel 2)
- 910: Making Garfield Slightly Worse Via Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel 3)
- 1000: 1000th Root of Minus Garfield
- 1046: Continuity Fixed Garfield
- 1148: Truth-Enhanced Garfield
- 1275: Square Root of Minus The Arbuckle Family in Reruns
- 1312: Dumbfield Instead of Darkfield
- 1476: Simple Re-contextualization
- 1542: The World Revolves Around Garfield
- 1626: Garfield Meets The Thin Man
- 1656: Really Misanthropic Garfield
- 1683: Grimdull Garfield
- 1686: Ted Turner's Garfield
- 1695: Mildly Obscure Reference Time!
- 1722: Jon's Worries Come To Pass
- 1727: Tom Waitsfield
- 1748: The Wolf Dog
- 1764: Baby, It's Cold Inside
- 1821: Shifting Mid-Point 3
- 1838: Garfield in LA
- 1853: Metajoke Garfield 2
- 1866: Gone Fishin'
- 1891: Subtly Less Subtle Garfield
- 1913: Garfield Plus Cleaning Supplies
- 1939: Followup
- 1953: Reincarnated Garfield
- 1959: The Wise Man Of The Mountain
- 1966: In Character Garfield
- 2000: 22nd Birthday Special: Deathday Garfield
- 2008: 30th Birthday Special: Garfield Plus Slightly Better Pacing
- 2012: 34th Birthday Special: Garfield Plus Obvious Fourth Panel
- 2017: Mildly Obscure Obvious Crossover (Caspar Milquetoast)
- 2022: Obvious Pun (Grind)
- 2027: Garfield Plus Literary Pretensions
- 2030: Garfield Plus Fan Rage
- 2036: Montage Theory
- 2040: Obvious Crossover (Pac-Man)
- 2048: Recycled Script Garfield
- 2059: The Other Hawaiian Flu
- 2067: Choose Your Own Garfield Book 3: The Anti-Humour Equation!
- 2075: Smelly Cheese
- 2082: Slightly Saner Garfield
- 2094: Disaster Days
- 2106: Compound Recontextualization (AKA: Followup 2)
- 2117: Self-Deprecation
- 2128: Gone Poundin'
- 2162: Garfield's Science Fiction Theatre
- 2179: Exty Six
- 2185: Dear Satan
- 2197: Marshmallow Bomb
- 2210: Garfield Minus Any Attempt at Humour
- 2216: Vegan Jon
- 2221: Beware of Fog
- 2230: Grump Out!
- 2239: So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
- 2265: Garfield Abridged
- 2284: Garfield Must Die(t)!
- 2302: Simple Re-contextualization 2: Straight Inversion
- 2312: A More Innocent Explanation
- 2328: Simple Recontextualization: Changing Nouns
- 2338: Garde au Mur
- 2355: Garfield Gives You A Tour Of His World
- 2369: Simple Re-contextualization 4: Change of Scene
- 2381: WHAT A TWIST!
- 2398: This One Is Garbage
- 2418: Humor Recalibration
- 2434: Double Hockey Sticks
- 2453: Garfield With A Slightly Changed Setup
- 2472: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder
- 2500: SRoMG 1 of 1 of 1, 2 of 2 of 2, and 3 of 3 of 3
- 2529: Simple Re-contextualization 5: Positivity Enhancement
- 2544: Garfield, With Only One Word Changed
- 2573: Obvious Pun (Mouse)
- 2600: 2600
- 2621: One Of These Month of No Sundays Strips Is Not Like The Others...
- 2643: Obvious Pun (Rush)
- 2675: Garfield's Apple
- 2690: Garfield Plus Suspense
- 2704: The Most Divisive Strip of Square Root Of Minus Garfield Ever!
- 2734: Garfield as a Political Cartoon
- 2754: Polka Palace
- 2779: The Garfield Circus
- 2803: Nixon
- 2827: The Incredible Alternate Explanation Of The Joke! Or: Shrinky Dink
- 2852: Eight Words That Can Bring An Anime Fan To Utter Despair
- 2889: Garfield Minus Garfield Garfield Garfield Minus Garfield
- 2905: Psychic Jon
- 2930: Disgustingly Logical Garfield
- 2960: Antitrust
- 2980: Demotivational Poster
- 3000: Mystery Science Garfield 3000
- 3024: Garfield With Slightly Increased Factual Content
- 3048: Political Consultant Garfield
- 3072: The Enhance Button
- 3097: Garfield Plus Quicksand
- 3122: A Strip Of Square Root Of Minus Garfield That Happened 2: Vanity, Thy Name Is Cat
- 3147: Uninspired Comedy Sequel
- 3173: Between the Missiles and Weapons Van Lights
- 3198: Double Reverse Quadruple Image Search
- 3223: Obvious Pun (Boring)
- 3248: Applied Probability
- 3273: Every Day Is Like Sunday, Or, The Parable of the Talents
- 3298: Test Your Square Root of Minus Garfield Knowledge!
- 3323: Owl City, Eat Your Heart Out (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel 5)
- 3348: Sign Change
- 3373: Unfixed In-Joke Theater
- 3398: Garfield With Snark Reenabled
- 3423: Cue A Truly Killer Synth Melody
- 3448: Pounding A Joke Into The Ground With An Obvious Fourth Panel
- 3473: Test Your Square Root of Minus Garfield Knowledge 2!
- 3498: Garfield Plus One Extra Layer of Recursion
- 3523: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 2: The Octopus in Jeopardy
- 3548: The Other Thing Garfield Used The Phone For
- 3573: Obvious Crossover (HIT THE LEVER!)
- 3598: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 3: Seeing Double
- 3623: Simultaneously Too Much And Too Little Explanation
- 3648: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 4: Fourth Wall Break
- 3673: One Better
- 3698: ...It all ends with Beginnings
- 3723: Garfield in Doubled Half Time
- 3748: Obvious Pun (Telemarketer)
- 3773: Go Ask Your Parents, Kids, If You Don't Get This One
- 3798: Vegan Jon II: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
- 3823: Unemployment Benefit Form 40
- 3848: Contrarian Garfield
- 3871: A Slightly Odd Christmas Gift
- 3896: Pickpocket Level 1000 (a.k.a., Making a SRoMG Slightly Weirder)
- 3921: Making Garfield Slightly Better and Worse
- 3946: A More Logical And Yet Even Stupider Explanation
- 3971: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder: It's All Russian Gravy From Here
- 3996: Dear Satan 2, or Triple Hockey Sticks
- 4007: Old School Memery (aka Linguistics With CATS)
- 4046: Garfield Almost Plus Proper Social Distancing
- 4071: The Sweater Movie
- 4096: Garfield The Statistical Anomaly
- 4121: 50% Off Garfield, Or The Full Half-Garfield
- 4146: Robert Faceplant
- 4171: Applied Probability²
- 4203: Fontistics with Liz
- 4228: Twice Darker
- 4253: Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
- 4277: Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
- 4303: The Smartest and/or Stupidest SRoMG Strip You'll Probably Read Today
- 4328: Garfield Prepares To Eat The Earth
- 4353: Garfield Put Into A Very Special Episode
- 4374: Miracle Garfdoku
- 4403: Pseudo XKCDfield, or Not-Garfield Minus Any Kind of Talent Of Any Kind Whatsoever
- 4428: Hole Sweet Hole
- 4459: The Dead Future 2: Dead Harder
- 4491: Recontextualisation 8: Archival Error
- 4526: What's Wrong With This SRoMG Strip?
- 4566: Simple Recontextualization Series 2, Episode 3: A Subtle Edit Changes The Joke
- 4591: Obvious Crossover: Thanos
- 4624: A Previous Strip Of Square Root of Minus Garfield, Slightly Enhanced
- 4665: Ninja Jon
- 4695: Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel: Garfield, Plus (Approximately The Number of Years He's Been Published At Time Of Writing) Beat Panels
- 4730: Lubaf's 200th Strip Spectacular!
- 4764: Standard Unit of Stupidity
- 4798: Smartphones are Inherently Funny, Right? (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel 6)
- 4831: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder (2x Weirder, to be Exact)
- 4870: Heavy Meta, Or Choose Your Own Punchline
- 4904: Non-consensual Cosplay
- 4954: A Fixed Surface
- 5017: Set It To Reverse, Jon (featuring Snoopy from Peanuts)
- 5064: I Pity The April Fool
- 5074: And On The Third Day, His Alibi Ran Out...
- 5128: themelondrop - Garfield ft. Anthony Fantano
- 5164: This One Will Leave a Bad Taste in Your Mouth
- 5219: Disaster Days 2: Electric Boogaloo
- 5255: Polka is Still Relevant, Dammit!
- 5304: A Mildly Obscure Reference, Done Rather Obtusely
- 5341: Making Garfield Slightly Weirder: Garfield the Dog Mechanic
- 5401: Jon the Pessimist
- 5450: Playing With Fire
- 5492: Garfield Plus Fake Diploma
- 5530: We're Gonna Clock Around the Donut Tonight!
- 5576: Later Stage
- 5602: Lazy Fortune Cookie Edit
- 5653: Obvious Take That (Bayformers)
- 5695: An Even More OCD Christmas
- 5738: How it Feels Some Days (Show of Hands)