175: Garfield Really Minus Garfield
Garfield Really Minus Garfield |
![]() Made by: superluser |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
Garfield Minus Garfield is a classic Garfield parody webcomic, and one of the inspirations for Square Root of Minus Garfield. The comic consists of strips with Jon and Garfield, but Garfield removed in order to make Jon talk to himself. The artist makes the comics by removing Garfield and replacing him with the background behind him.
Contributor superluser pretends to take offense to this technicality, as it is not "Garfield removed" but "Garfield replaced". Thus in this SRoMG strip superluser has deleted all of the pixels pertaining to Garfield but not replaced them with anything.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
Technically, Garfield Minus Garfield should be called "Garfield replaced with the background." I have remedied the problem, more or less following the conventions of removing Garfield and his dialogue. I left in Garfield's motion lines since it's not strictly speaking Garfield, and I could not in good conscience remove the shadow, since I'd actually be adding light.
(Interestingly, Garfield Minus Garfield would have been able to do this had they kept the files in the original GIF format.)
Also, to all the Go players out there, you may be interested in the two dots in the second panel. In order to get the quickmask to leave them, I had to make two eyes.
Original: 1994-03-21
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{Jon watches as a blank space the shape of Garfield and his thought balloons walks by.}