1962: What If Garfield Can Talk

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What If Garfield Can Talk
Made by: Edwin Chee

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Partially inspired by Talking Garfield, this strip examines the possibility of Garfield being able to talk. The original is funnier if Garfield cannot talk, but at least it gives him a happy ending (or is it?).

Original strips: 1988-04-02, 1988-07-10.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Radio: And now let's play "The Brain Game".
Radio: Here's our quiz question. Be the first person to call with the correct answer and win a new house!
Garfield: Right, I'll just pick up the phone and tell you the answer.
Radio: If you were a Felis Domesticus, what kind of sound would you make?
Garfield: Felis Domesticus? That's a house cat!
{Garfield calls the radio}
Radio: For a new house, what is your answer?
Garfield: Meow.
Radio: Meow is correct! Congratulations!
Garfield: I won! I won! I don't believe it!
Radio: Just give us your name and address, and we'll get right to you.
{Garfield dances}