2058: Extremely Misanthropic Garfield

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Extremely Misanthropic Garfield
Made by: NES Boy

Explanation[edit | edit source]

For this strip, NES Boy changed the question from movies to television episodes, and gives Garfield the answer "The Pandorica Opens", a fifth series Doctor Who episode in which the entirety of reality is apparently destroyed at the end. At this point, there's almost nowhere to escalate the joke to.


The author writes:[edit | edit source]

After seeing what #1532 and #1656 did, I decided to shoot for the moon.

Original strip: 1983-04-25.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield reading letter}: Dear Garfield, What is your favorite all-time episode of a TV show?
Garfield: It's "The Pandorica Opens" from "Doctor Who".
Garfield: I love shows with happy endings.