2561: State of the Arbuckle

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State of the Arbuckle
Made by: Andrew Kepple

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

A picture dramatically showing how Obama has aged during his time in office so far has been doing the rounds on social media, and today (January 13) someone added a comparison between Palpatine when he first appeared in Star Wars to his final form as a hideous Sith lord. Perhaps by the time this Garfield-ised version pops out of the queue, the "Presidential comparison" meme will have already become a social media sensation, run its course, and died a peaceful death, causing this SRoMG submission to clearly show the ravages of age. How meta.

Original strips: 1978-06-19, 2016-01-12.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A photograph of President Obama when he first took office.}
{A photograph of President Obama when he gave his 2016 State of the Union Address.}
{A cropped picture of Jon Arbuckle when he first appeared in a Garfield strip.}
{A cropped picture of Jon Arbuckle when he appeared in the Garfield strip that ran on the day of President Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address.}