3133: Garfield Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition - SD Remix

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Garfield Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition - SD Remix
Made by: Error 52

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

So, for whatever reason, the SRoMG user that originally submitted this obscure strip did so by taking a picture of it with their phone and e-mailing it to themselves like they were a 90s AOL user. In response, I took out my copy of Garfield 2 (it wasn't called A Tale of Two Kitties in the UK, for whatever reason) and decided I would take a picture and upload it in much better quality. Then I found out that it looked like absolute poop on the DVD anyway.

If I didn't know better, I would suggest that the creators of the Garfield 2 DVD were not particularly concerned about their work.

Here it is anyway, partially because it's still ultimately better quality and partly because maybe we can convince a SRoMG user to get the Garfield 2 Blu-ray and upload it in max 1080p magic.

Original strip: none.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield {wearing a crown and a king's robe}: As king, I demand respect.
{Odie drools all over Garfield}
Garfield {soaking wet}: Make that respect and a towel.