3446: Equalfield

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Made by: Levellass

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, Liz was speaking some gibberish that Jon never understands.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The original strip takes a somewhat uninventive jab at the 'women are inscrutable' trope. As a woman I've found that really it's people in general who are nuts. Since author Redgreen has challenged us to use various languages, this is a submission in the language of common sense.

(For you Gender Studies majors out there, note that I replaced all of Liz's dialog with rearranged letters from men's speech balloons.)

Original strip: 2017-11-17.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield: 2018-05-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Liz: Jon?
Jon: Yes?
Liz: Women are the same as men
{Liz leaves}
Jon: I will never understand women
Garfield: I think she just called you a wuss