3673: One Better

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One Better
Made by: Lubaf

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip is part of an effort of intentional lazy edits designed to lampoon lazy edits; as such, it reduces the strip down to two panels, one-upping 2553: Tener Cuidado Con Lo Que Deseas by paring down the final panel from that strip, thus turning the mention of lazy edits into the punchline. This strip would be one-upped by 4160: One Even Better/Worse, which further pared down this strip to a single panel and single singular punchline, and thus continued the intentional lazy-edit trend.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

My thoughts on seeing SRoMG #2553 were, quite simply, "I can do you one better." Also, note that I don't share Jon's sentiment: what the world needs now is love sweet love, not more lazy edits. I only do this because a series of 2 strips does not qualify as a "meme", and I share Crazy56U's sentiment of "Bedenke, was Du Dir wünschst, es könnte Dir gewährt werden".

Original strip: 2015-01-06.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: You know what the world needs more of? Lazy edits.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

The statement of Crazy56U's sentiment got hit by a mojibake error in a later site recoding effort; the original version of the author's notes unaffected by the mojibake is currently lost to the public as a result. The mojibake error did not affect the formatting code; the mojibake is properly italicized.