1923: The Automatic Colouriser Takes Over (aka Garfield minus Jim Davis)
The Automatic Colouriser Takes Over (aka Garfield minus Jim Davis) |
![]() Made by: trlkly |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author's notes tend to explain the methodology behind how this strip, essentially the colorized version of the original Garfield strip minus the elements found in its black-and-white version.
The author's notes make mention of 960: Gluefield #443's mention that GoComics had not colorized the strip for themselves; this had been true at the time of even this strip's publication, and may have been true as late as the 2019-2020 timeframe, but GoComics now has colorized the strip corresponding to their own logic. (The difference between the GoComics color logic and the color logic of other domains' archives are explained in more detail in the explanation for 5399: Color me Garfield.) The garfield.com site was taken down in the middle part of 2020, and thus its archive can no longer be found there; the Garfield wiki on Fandom has preserved that version of the strip here.
The differences between this strip's author and the initial writer of this very explanation are apparent in the spelling of a key word. This strip's author (as does strip #960's author) hails from a Commonwealth country, which spells out the key word as "colour"; the initial writer of this very explanation, on the other hand, is an American (as does strip #5399's author), which spells out the key word as "color".
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
This is what happens when the "automated colouriser" thinks it can work on its own.
The idea for this came about because SRoMG comic 960 claimed that this Leap Day strip hadn't been colourised. I was bored, so I set about colourising it. As I'm doing so, I look at the colour layer by itself, and think it would look good as a submission called "Garfield + colour - ink." I get it finished, but, right before I saved, my editor crashed and I lost it. To make it worse, when looking for the original again, I realize it actually has been colourised on the official Garfield site.
So I wound up trying to recreate my image using the real colours from the actual comic. I removed the colour, then used that black-and-white version as a mask to get just the colour. Then I had to go and fill in all the gaps with the appropriate colour. The result looks a lot like the version I lost, all aliased like something on an old computer circa 1996.
Original strip: 1996-02-29.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{The colours of a Garfield strip without any of the outlines}