253: Garfloraled, Part 1

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Garfloraled, Part 1
Made by: Nyperold

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author made a series of three strips in which Garfield, originally his normal orange with black stripes, had the coloration of the chair, and vice versa. In the original, Garfield sneezes due to the floral print, as if it produced pollen; here, he sneezes because of cat dander, an allergen often misattributed to the hair itself.

The author's note also mentions a die-rolling program, which was programmed to recognize die rolls in the form xdy+z, where x is the number of dice (in this case, 1), y is the number of sides (30, 12, and 30 again), and z is the modifier (1977 for the first one, and no modifiers for the others). This was done back when the linked searchable archive was on nfshost, and only went up to sometime in 2007.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

A funny (eh, to me) story about how I came to choose this strip. I was using a die-rolling program to select a date to put into the search: 1d30+1977, 1d12, and, based on the 1d12 result, 1d30. Well, when I got the result for the 1d30, I inadvertently ignored the result, and used the 30 instead. But I immediately had an idea for it, from which sprang three other ideas, so I went with it.

In all three of the ones I sent based on it, Garfield's pattern and the pattern of the chair are transposed. We see one consequence here.

Original strip: 1981-06-30.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield, in floral print, is sitting in a chair that bears his normal colouration.}
Garfield: WAHCHOO!
Garfield: Cat hair print.

Later references[edit | edit source]

  • The initial result of the die-rolling program (as described in the author's notes) was later made into 271: Elvield.