2596: John Garvoltafield

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John Garvoltafield
Made by: MadDogBV

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Do you know what they call a lasagna in Paris?


Maybe that doesn't have quite as much of a ring to it as the Royale With Cheese.

Original strip: 2015-03-18.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: {singing} Go, greased lightnin', you're burnin' up the quarter mile.
Garfield: {singing} (Greased lightnin'! Go, greased lightnin'!)
Garfield: {singing} Go, greased lightnin', you're coastin' thru the heat lap trials.
Garfield: {singing} (Greased lightnin'! Go, greased lightnin'!) Garfield: I love musicals.