4550: Four Those Keeping Count

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Four Those Keeping Count
Made by: KelpTheGreat

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip expands the premise of removing references to the webcomic Garfield Minus Garfield started in 3986: No Credit Where Credit is Due by portraying a section of Square Root of Minus Garfield's own archive page with 128: Garfield Minus (Garfield Minus Garfield) removed. The links are red to show that the links have been viewed; unviewed links on Square Root of Minus Garfield would be blue.

At the time of submission, the author of #3986 was credited as "ncrecc"; that author has since changed their handle to "Wibi".

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I didn't think there was a way to one-up ncrecc's fiendishly clever strip, until I found one myself.

[spoiler]If you don't understand this or ncrecc's original, read this thread. That's all the help I'm giving you.[/spoiler]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A screenshot of a portion of the SRoMG archive page. Strips No. 118 through 139 are included. Strip No. 128 is conspicuously absent}