5745: The Real Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, I Think

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The Real Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, I Think
Made by: Crazy56U

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes[edit | edit source]

Shout out to the kaBOOM! comic line for being really flipping weird, allowing me to do this stupid strip, and shout out to Super Size Me for being wrong.

Original Garfield comics: August 2013 (Garfield (kaBOOM!) issue #16, "By Jon Arbuckle"), December 2012 (Garfield (kaBOOM!) issue #8, "Snow Problem!").

Original strips: 2001-05-27, 2021-02-13.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{open on Garfield, leaning against something}
Garfield: They say good things come in small packages. True...
{zoom out; we see he's leaning against a giant hamburger}
Garfield {happily}: But the best things come super-sized!
{cut to a man making his way down a staircase}
{cut to the man standing outside; it's the Super Size Me guy, and no, he doesn't get to have his name mentioned in this transcript}
The Super Size Me Guy {cockily}: Not if I have anything to say about it!
{hard cut to an extreme-close up on Garfield}
Garfield {enraged; pointing at the camera}: YOU RAT FINK!
{Garfield is now standing in the Void, that's how mad he is}
Garfield: Your hit-piece of a "documentary" ruined everything good about McDonald's, you jerk! I refuse to let you ruin my strip too!
{cut back to the Super Size Me guy}
The Super Size Me Guy {unimpressed}: Oh, yeah? How?
{cut back to Garfield, who is now outside in the snow, that's how mad he is}
Garfield {holding up a giant wand [just roll with it] in contemplation}: Well...
{cue blast of thunder}
{the Super Size Me guy is now a giant hamburger}
The Super Size Me Guy {conceding}: Fair enough...
Garfield {calmly walking away}: Hopefully, we never do this again...